Beware of Scammers Impersonating Cryptonex: Important Security Notice

Attention, beware of scammers impersonating Cryptonex employees or partners.

Lately, there has been an increase in schemes targeting clients to transfer cryptocurrency through «more favorable services offered by Cryptonex partners.» The scammers convince individuals that by using their services, they can receive bonuses in the form of funds or CNX coins.

We would like to remind you that:

Golden rules:

  1. Don’t rush — scammers often create an illusion of urgency.
  2. Verify the accuracy of the information provided to you. Do they correspond to the official links?
  3. Do not share personal information. Cryptonex will never ask for payment or personal data.

Staking update

We have updated staking calculation. Now transactions are calculated once per day.
Buy CNX coins, send them to staking and gain 12% in CNX annually. The course growth is not considered.

TradingView available

We have added TradingView chart to our Exchange section. Now you can use it right in your personal page without going to TradingView website.

Basic chart remains and can be switched to with one click.

Referral program

Recommend Cryptonex to your friends and get referral reward of 0,5% of all topping ups of this person via fiat currencies. In order to aquire the reward, your friend must follow the link, register and top up their balance by VISA/MasterCard/Mir, Advcash or Qiwi. Your reward will be transferred automatically.